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20th Century Fox has six Marvel movies planned for the next four years

In a press release, it was revealed that 20th Century Fox who owns the Fantastic Four and all X-Men movie rights has six Marvel movies planned for release through 2021. Although none were named specifically a few can be surmised through previous news reports and casting announcements. It should be noted that these movies do not include the previously announced Deadpool 2, The New Mutants or X-Men: Dark Phoenix. The announced dates are as follows.

One of those, more than likely one of the earlier dates is bound to be the currently filming Gambit starring Channing Tatum in the titular role. Another is probably X-Force which will star Ryan Reynolds, and Josh Brolin as well as more yet to be revealed actors that will for sure pop up in Deadpool 2. Unfortunately that puts us at the end of the already announced movies but with the rumored family friend take on Fantastic Four, and another Deadpool sequel almost all but guaranteed at this point that can knock off another two on that list. So that leaves us with two more. Any ideas? I’m just spitballing here but what about a Dazzler centered murder mystery where the only thing Dazzler does is provide light for the detectives to investigate crime scenes after dark? Then another reboot of Fantastic Four in 2021 and we shall call it a half-decade.

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