8 new posters for A Million Ways to Die in the West


A Million Ways to Die in the West, Seth MacFarlane’s Western comedy follow up to Ted, is busy putting the finishing touches on itself (sexual pun intended) for its May 30 release, and then means promotions are starting. No trailer yet, but we do have 8 posters that give us a good look not only the characters, but also the humor. Yup, sex jokes. I mean, did you expect anything else?

Since Ted was surprisingly great I’m really looking forward to this. Seth MacFarlane clearly knows how to run genre parody as Family Guy has shown us so a Western about a guy who learns to shoot to win his wife back sounds right up his alley. The cast is fantastic, if not a little typecast, as well. We’re sure to get a trailer soon since that’s what usually follows a poster release, though these were Tweeted out by MacFarlane so maybe he’s gone rouge. 

The header image is from Amanda Seyfried.

Matthew Razak
Matthew Razak is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Flixist. He has worked as a critic for more than a decade, reviewing and talking about movies, TV shows, and videogames. He will talk your ear off about James Bond movies, Doctor Who, Zelda, and Star Trek.