Got money? Kiss it goodbye. 50% off all Criterion Collection


The Criterion Collection has been and the forefront of quality when it comes to movies on DVDs and Blu-rays. If you’re a real movie collector not only do you know this but you’re probably exclaiming a big “Duhhh!” from your lips now. Forgive me for reiterating the obvious, this is for those who do not know the ways of collecting movies. From housing such great films on disc with pristine quality like Kurosowa’s Seventh Samurai to Bergman’s Seventh Seal , The Criterion Collection only con is the price of admission to owning these classics at home.

The Criterion Collection has been and the forefront of quality when it comes to movies on DVDs and Blu-rays. If you're a real movie collector not only do you know this but you're probably exclaiming a big "Duhhh!" from your lips now. Forgive me for reiterating the obvious, this is for those who do not know the ways of collecting movies. From housing such great films on disc with pristine quality like Kurosowa's Seventh Samurai to Bergman's Seventh Seal , The Criterion Collection only con is the price of admission to owning these classics at home.