It was likely a good weekend for many of us. We ate a lot. We saw our families. We also, unfortunately, lost a comedy legend. I can hardly control the torrent of brilliant Airplane! lines flooding my mind right now. There’s not much to say, so I’ll leave you with this: It’s an entirely different kind of flying altogether.
But there’s also recapping to be done, so before you begin a massive Leslie Nielsen marathon, check out everything that went up over Thanksgiving Weekend 2010.Â

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It was likely a good weekend for many of us. We ate a lot. We saw our families. We also, unfortunately, lost a comedy legend. I can hardly control the torrent of brilliant Airplane! lines flooding my mind right now. There's not much to say, so I'll leave you with this: It's an entirely different kind of flying altogether.
But there's also recapping to be done, so before you begin a massive Leslie Nielsen marathon, check out everything that went up over Thanksgiving Weekend 2010. {{page_break}}
Movie Chowdown: Leftovers Edition
Events and Community:
Director DJ Caruso leaves Y: The Last Man project
Stephen King's top 10 films of 2010
Billy "role model" Bob Thornton calls movie industry awful
The Italian Stallion rides again
Bill Hader and Will Forte are joining Ghostbusters 3?
Trailers and Video:
Five mini Sucker Punch trailers for the easily bored
Chew on this! Three new True Grit TV spots