Fifty Shades Of Grey movie ties down a writer


Not satisfied with dominating the book charts, E.L. James’ Fifty Shades Of Grey is set to firmly assert itself onto the big screen with a movie adaptation. Lord knows how Universal are going to sneak a story about S&M past the censors – although given the wildly successful material, perhaps an NC-17 rating wouldn’t be as damaging as usual – but the movie now has a writer in the shape of Terra Nova scribe Kelly Marcel. Producer Michael Luca cited Marcel’s ‘flawless structural technique and passionate commitment to emotion, humour and depth of character’ as reasons for her appointment, because those things are vitally important to a book whose most pressing question is WHEN DOES THE SPANKING START ALREADY?!

Marcel’s appointment hasn’t gone down well with American Psycho author Brett Easton Ellis, who had been pushing to pen the screenplay himself. Showing a lot of nerve for someone whose most recent project includes Lindsay Lohan among its cast, Ellis took to Twitter to voice his anger at being overlooked, leading to a twit-gument (hey, I can invent stupid internet portmanteaus too!) with producer Dana Brunetti. Let’s be honest, no-one’s going to come out of this looking good.

[via EMPIRE]