
Porno trailer unleashes a sex demon


PORNO (2020) Official Trailer HD, Horror Comedy Movie

Porno, a movie Matt reviewed and didn’t like very much, is coming out soon. I am not Matt and haven’t seen the movie, and so I’m inclined to think it looks like a very good time indeed.

The horror/comedy follows five teen theater employees in a Christian town. They find an old film in the basement (I think it’ll be a porno), and by watching it they unleash a succubus that will give them a sex education written in blood. Neat.

Matt described the film as “shocking only to be shocking,” (a quote that didn’t make it into the trailer for some reason) and I tend to lean on the side that sometimes that’s enough. Shocking spectacles of the grotesque are the kind of junk I plunder the cinematic world for, so I will not heed Matt’s warning and blast full-on ahead into this Porno Holocaust–no wait. That’s a different movie.

It’s possible Porno will suck equally for all who watch it, but we can each find out for ourselves when the flick hits Shudder and VOD sometime in May 2020.

Kyle Yadlosky
Kyle Yadlosky only cares about trash. The trippy, bizarre, DIY, and low-budget are his home. He sleeps in dumpsters and eats tinfoil. He also writes horror fiction sometimes.