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After the Credits: Jeremy Renner

I really like Jeremy Renner. I’ve never seen him in anything that I disliked to such a degree that it really tainted my view of him, and in most cases I’ve actively thought, “Hey, I really like that guy.” But that’s the thing: I always say, “That guy.”

I have an inexplicable inability to remember the name of actor Jeremy Renner.

Seriously. Tomorrow you could ask me, “Hey, who did you write the recap post about last night?” and I would respond, “Oh, you know, that one guy who is in all of those movies. I really like him. What is his name again?” It’s a serious burden, and I don’t know what to do about it. Trust me, I’ve tried; I have baker’s dozens of flash cards with his face on them and Jeremy Renner written on the back of each one. No dice. Mission impossible.

Will this post be the magic key that allows me to unlock that part of my brain that disallows me from remembering dude’s name? I doubt it, but that’s my problem, not yours. As for you, I’d just recommend reading up on everything that went down on November 23rd, 2010 and posting…

I really like Jeremy Renner. I've never seen him in anything that I disliked to such a degree that it really tainted my view of him, and in most cases I've actively thought, "Hey, I really like that guy." But that's the thing: I always say, "That guy."

I have an inexplicable inability to remember the name of actor Jeremy Renner.

Seriously. Tomorrow you could ask me, "Hey, who did you write the recap post about last night?" and I would respond, "Oh, you know, that one guy who is in all of those movies. I really like him. What is his name again?" It's a serious burden, and I don't know what to do about it. Trust me, I've tried; I have baker's dozens of flash cards with his face on them and Jeremy Renner written on the back of each one. No dice. Mission impossible.

Will this post be the magic key that allows me to unlock that part of my brain that disallows me from remembering dude's name? I doubt it, but that's my problem, not yours. As for you, I'd just recommend reading up on everything that went down on November 23rd, 2010 and posting memory tricks in the comments. {{page_break}}


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