
After the Credits: Why I gave The Raid 2: Berandal a 97

Thoughts on The Raid 2: Berandal and Flixist.com's review scores

It returns!

Sure, the role that was once filled by After the Credits has been replaced by Michael Jordan’s Movie Monday, but I like the name After the Credits, so I’m keeping it. This week, I’m pulling back the curtain just a little bit to talk about Flixist’s review scores, specifically discussing why I gave The Raid 2: Berandal the score I did, despite not being completely blown away by its narrative.

If you’ve ever wondered what sort of thoughts go into making decisions like that, you might find this interesting. And if you haven’t, you probably won’t. But you should watch it anyway, then like it and subscribe to our awesome YouTube channel that is growing more interesting and original by the minute. (And by that I mean every few days.) The intention is for this to return as a weekly series, posting each Wednesday (day early this week), so watch out for them going forward! And if there’s anything you want me to talk about, let me know and maybe that’ll be a future topic.

Previously on After the Credits:

A Serbian Film and shifting opinions

Love Strikes!Moteki, and Raging Bull

No cell phones in the theater

(Film) festival fatigue

Just turn the damn thing off

No one is afraid of the dark in 144p

Why would you want to see trash?

The Korean Romantic Comedies of NYAFF 2013