Jesse Lab
The strange one. The one born and raised in New Jersey. The one who raves about anime. The one who will go to bat for DC Comics, animation, and every kind of dog. The one who is more than a tad bit odd. The Features Editor.

    Weeb Analysis: Beastars

    [Hello all and welcome back to Weeb Analysis where this month we’ll be taking a look at the socially relevant and critically acclaimed Beastars! ...
    Review: Old

    Review: Old

    M. Night Shyamalan likes twists. All of his movies are obsessed with including them, whether they’re done well like in The Sixth Sense, or terribly ...
    Review: Pig

    Review: Pig

    We should all know by now that I’m an easy mark for Nicolas Cage films. When Willy’s Wonderland was released earlier this year, ...

    Review: The Forever Purge

    Has The Purge ever been a franchise that’s worth following? No seriously, are there people who think that this is a series that has merits ...

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