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Behold the original ending to Little Shop of Horrors

You may not be aware of this, but Frank Oz’s film version of Little Shop of Horrors used to have a downer ending where everybody died. Not just the main characters, but everybody in the world. Test audiences in San Jose didn’t care for the original ending, so it was changed. (My hometown sucks.)

The original 23-minute sequence featured gigantic Audrey IIs wrecking places like they’re straight out of a kaiju movie. It looks glorious. The clip above will give you just a taste of the panic. The full sequence has been included on the recently released Blu-ray for Little Shop of Horrors.

Frank Oz’s director’s cut of the film screened during the opening weekend of the New York Film Festival. The screening was followed by a Q&A with Oz, actress Ellen Greene, composer Alan Menken, and film restorer Kurt Galvao. Our own Alec Kubas-Meyer covered the event for The Film Society of Lincoln Center, and you can read his full write-up here.

No word if Head of the Class filmed an “everybody dies” ending for the episode “Little Shop ‘Til You Drop.” (If you got that reference, congratulations — you’re old.)

[Via io9]

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