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Box Office Numbers: Horchatalate

For weeks, I’ve tossed around the idea of chocolate horchata and whether or not it would taste as good as it sounds. Last night, I took the first step towards the future and created a chocolate horchata concoction. It’s a work-in-progress, but I can see Horchatalate ushering in a new era of self-awareness… or, you know, a pleasant stomachache.

In a surprising turn of events, one of my favorite films of the year, Django Unchained, took second place for this weekend’s box office. However, its placement is misleading, as its total cumulative box office is $64m+. Official box office numbers track only the weekend’s intake, so while it may not have debuted in the top spot, it made an extra $34m from its release last Tuesday until Thursday. Regardless, Tarantino’s latest is great, and everybody should see it if they haven’t already. I want all of you to tweet to me about how hilarious the Klan scene was.

The rest of this weekend’s box office numbers are below.

[via Rentrak]

1. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey – $32,920,000

2. Django Unchained – $30,688,000

3. Les Miserables – $28,027,440

4. Parental Guidance – $14,800,000

5. Jack Reacher – $14,010,000

6. This is 40 – $13,185,850

7. Lincoln – $7,509,000

8. The Guilt Trip – $6,700,000

9. Monsters, Inc. – $6,363,000

10. Rise of the Guardians – $4,900,000

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