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Box Office Numbers: Making foolies on all of you

Remember last week when I said I’d sneak in humanimal versions of the Flixist staff? Fooled you! Actually… I don’t even think anybody was aware of it… and I may or may not have forgotten about it. We can’t go back in time, so let’s chalk it up to gravity. That’s a plausible excuse, right?

This past weekend, Resident Evil: Retribution topped the charts. I understand the cash cow that comes with the Resident Evil film franchise, but my god, the films barely represent the source material of which they’re based on. Of course, with a solid box office take and a double entrendre-laden score of 69, the film has to be something special, right?

…maybe not. The rest of this week’s box office numbers are below.

[via Rentrak]

1. Resident Evil: Retribution – $21,100,000

2. Finding Nemo – $17,504,000

3. The Possession – $5,800,000

4. Lawless – $4,219,000

5. ParaNorman – $3,039,464

6. The Expendables 2 – $3,030,000

7. The Words – $2,880,000

8. The Bourne Legacy – $2,875,250

9. The Odd Life of Timothy Green – $2,511,000

10. The Campaign – $2,405,000

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