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Box Office Numbers: Tepid Bodies

Warm Bodies topped the box office this past weekend by more than doubling the runner-up Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters‘ sales. Unfortunately, while the ticket sales are super hot, the film itself was anything but. Silver Linings Playbook continued its meteoric rise, landing in third as a result.

Movies were the only interesting things to happen this weekend, right?

[via Rentrak]

1. Warm Bodies – $20,025,000

2. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters – $9,210,000

3. Silver Linings Playbook – $8,113,000

4. Mama – $6,730,020

5. Zero Dark Thirty – $5,300,000

6. Bullet to the Head – $4,500,000

7. Parker – $3,215,000

8. Django Unchained – $3,039,000

9. Les Miserables – $2,439,360

10. Lincoln – $2,412,000

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