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Brad Bird’s 1952 now titled Tomorrowland

There’s been a lot of mystery over the forthcoming movie 1952, which Brad Bird will direct from a script by Damon Lindelof. The project is so super secret that a few people believed it was a front for Brad Bird doing one of the new Star Wars films. There’s still no detailed info on what the movie is about, but the project has been officially retitled Tomorrowland.

Tomorrowland is of course one of the themed areas at Disneyland. It’s futuristic in a retro way, which means it still looks more futuristic than most futuristic things made in the early 1980s. Walt Disney had the following to say about Tomorrowland during the inauguration of Disneyland (courtesey of Wikipedia):

Tomorrow can be a wonderful age. Our scientists today are opening the doors of the Space Age to achievements that will benefit our children and generations to come. The Tomorrowland attractions have been designed to give you an opportunity to participate in adventures that are a living blueprint of our future.

My bet: time traveling Captain EO movie.

You may now resume your regularly scheduled speculation.

[Via io9]

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