Bret McKenzie writing a fairy tale comedy musical script


In an interview with the dudes over at Collider, Bret McKenzie, of Flight of the Conchords and The Muppets fame, revealed that he is in the process of writing a script for a “fairy tale comedy musical” with “singing dragons and monsters and stuff.” As someone who has followed Bret McKenzie’s career since his early Flight of the Conchords days, I’m delighted to see him continue to get job opportunities and make new work!

As if I need to remind you guys, Bret’s talents won him an Oscar this year for Best Original Song for The Muppets. And he certainly has a cult following of people like me who loved the FOTC band and television show. There’s no doubt in my mind that the new project, which is being made with The Muppets co-writer and director James Bobin and does not have a title yet, will be adorable and funny. When more details about the project surface we will let you know!

[via Collider]