

Review: The Muppets

The Muppets aren’t often in the public eye anymore. Disney hasn’t been pushing them very heavily, and their one theme park attraction is ...

Review: Killing Bono

Killing Bono is based on the memoir of film protagonist, Neil McCormick, entitled Killing Bono: I Was Bono’s Doppelganger. Yet, despite knowing the ...

Review: Immortals

You’ve probably seen the part in the trailers for Immortals where you see a bunch of people fighting in slow motion in mid-air. ...

Review: J. Edgar

Plenty of films rely on great acting, stylistic directing, gorgeous cinematography or even giant explosions to make themselves great. Most rely on some ...

Review: Tower Heist

In a current national climate that sees the #occupy hashtag used equally to organize political/social demonstrations and make sex and poop jokes, there ...

Review: Moss

[This review was originally written as part of the ongoing series of Korean Movie Night NY screenings and then showed up again during ...

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