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Chinese Force Awakens trailer has new footage (to make up for possibly racist movie poster)

In case you haven’t realized it, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS COMES OUT NEXT WEEK! At least in most of the world. China has to wait until January 9th.

To hype things up in China, they released a trailer for the film featuring Lu Han from Exo,  a Chinese/Korean K-pop act that did a Star Wars-themed song about lightsabers.

Anyway, here’s the new trailer. Take it away, Lu Han:

While there’s still not a lot given away in this trailer (no Luke), I get a sense that there’s a little more here that’s been revealed that maybe shouldn’t have. Then again, we’ve only seen five minutes tops from a two hour movie. We’ve seen nothing in context. We’ll all be fine.

This trailer isn’t the only Star Wars related news coming out of China. It turns out the Chinese poster for The Force Awakens might be a little bit racist.

On the left is the Chinese poster for The Force Awakens. On the right, the poster seen in the western world. Spot a difference? (Hint: Look for John Boyega.)

Yeah… Ummm… You know, if this isn’t outright racist, then it’s at the very least racist yet somehow unaware of its own racism. To put it another way, while this Chinese Force Awakens poster isn’t necessarily like Donald Trump and his supporters, the poster is at least like your aunt or uncle who can’t wrap their heads around protests after the police murder an unarmed black person.

So what do you think–is the Chinese Force Awakens movie poster racist? Share your thoughts in the comments.

But to keep things light, here’s Exo’s Star Wars-themed K-pop song “Lightsaber.” Take it away, Lu Han.

[via The Verge, CNN]
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