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Comcast may revisit bid for Fox, beating out Disney

A little while ago we reported that Disney was in line to basically buy a lot of Fox’s assets, bringing in their movies and TV shows, and making the company an even larger entertainment behemoth. However, it appears America’s other massive entertainment behemoth might want to stop that from happening. Comcast is looking into revisiting a bid they made for 20th Century Fox that was initially rejected, and that bid was for way more than Disney was offering. 

Comcast bid around $60 billion for parts of 20th Century Fox, but never engaged in final discussions because of anti-trust concerns. That’s about $60 billion more than Fox agreed to with Disney, meaning if Comcast came back in they’d be offering a lot more, and it would be hard to turn down. Still, it’s unclear if the bid would even be something that Rupert Murdoch, who holds a controlling stake in Fox, would even consider. It could be welcomed, but he could also view it as hostile since the deal with Disney was already agreed to, just not finalized. We’ll have to wait and see which corporate overlord will deliver us the next set of X-Men movies.

Comcast Considers Reviving Pursuit of Fox After Higher Bid Was Rejected [The Wall Street Journal]

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