Conan actor writing Conan sequel


My NDA prevents me from going into detail, but I can tell you that Conan the Barbarian has wound up being a Rise of the Planet of the Apes-level surprise for me this summer, and I hope that it’ll surprise a lot of you as well. Lionsgate is obviously banking on the film being a success, as a sequel is already in development, and the surprising news that star Jason Momoa will be writing a script for the upcoming sequel. He had this to say about being a part of the process: “How many actors get to go in there and go, ‘I’m part of the writing process?’ and care that much about the character, because he is a fan himself? It’s great. You know some people go like, ‘It’s great, I’m going to be in my trailer.’ I want to f**king make a great Conan movie.”

From everything I’ve seen of him at press events, Momoa seems like a really cool, passionate dude, and between his turn in Game of Thrones and Conan, I think he’s poised to be another really great action star. Conan the Barbarian comes out August 19th, and expect the official Flixist review on the 17th or so.

(thanks to Jenika for an awesome header, by the way)

[Via Collider]