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Daniel Radcliffe as Allen Ginsberg in Kill Your Darlings

With his latest film, The Woman in Black, coming out in a short period of time, Harry Potter alum could have just taken a break and swam in the piles and piles of money he’s amassed over his decade-long career in the spotlight. However, not one to rest on his laurels, The Boy with the Lightning Scar has officially signed on for his next role, and what a role that’ll be.

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Radcliffe will portray famed Beat poet Allen Ginsberg in the upcoming film, Kill Your Darlings. The film also includes Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene), Dane DeHaan (Chronicle), and Jack Huston (Factory Girl) as Edie Parker, Lucien Carr, and Jack Kerouac, respectively. While the film isn’t based on the novel co-written by Kerouac and William S. Burroughs, And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, it does focus on the central topic of Carr’s, Burroughs’, and Kerouac’s involvement in the murder of David Kammerer in 1944, as well as the initial forming of the core group that embodied the Beat Generation of the 50s.

Kill Your Darlings is tentatively scheduled for a 2013 release.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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