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Dark Knight Rises will be Christopher Nolan’s last Bat-film

In an interview with EW, Christopher Nolan dropped some knowledge bombs on Dark Knight Rises, Inception, and the incoming Inception video game. The biggest and not tremendously surprising news was his statement that The Dark Knight Rises is to be “the last chapter of our Batman saga.” Note the specific use of “our” there. Obviously, DC and Warner Brothers will be raring to push out another Batman movie by 2014 if and when DKR makes eleventy bajillion dollars, and, if Christian Bale keeps his word, it will require a completely new Batman as well.

Nolan then goes on to talk about an Inception video game, which I apparently completely missed the first news of. He says that it’s a “long-term proposition,” which makes Alex happy because it means it’s not going to be some cheap cash-in like a certain other video game Nolan was involved with. It’s also always exciting to me when filmmakers branch out into different mediums, be they video game or music or some weird halvsie. In regards to an Inceptionsequel, he says exactly what I’d expect of him: “…it’s not something I want to say no to, but it’s not…

In an interview with EW, Christopher Nolan dropped some knowledge bombs on Dark Knight Rises, Inception, and the incoming Inception video game. The biggest and not tremendously surprising news was his statement that The Dark Knight Rises is to be “the last chapter of our Batman saga.” Note the specific use of “our” there. Obviously, DC and Warner Brothers will be raring to push out another Batman movie by 2014 if and when DKR makes eleventy bajillion dollars, and, if Christian Bale keeps his word, it will require a completely new Batman as well.

Nolan then goes on to talk about an Inception video game, which I apparently completely missed the first news of. He says that it’s a “long-term proposition,” which makes Alex happy because it means it’s not going to be some cheap cash-in like a certain other video game Nolan was involved with. It’s also always exciting to me when filmmakers branch out into different mediums, be they video game or music or some weird halvsie. In regards to an Inception sequel, he says exactly what I’d expect of him: “…it’s not something I want to say no to, but it’s not something I’ve given a lot of thought about.” Translation: probably not. Inception’s one of those movies that absolutely doesn’t need a sequel, and a sequel would probably cheapen the fantastic film that came before it.

Also, he basically tells people to f**k off about asking if the top’s spinning or not.

[Via Collider, Via EW]

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