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Disney has moved WandaVision’s release date up to 2020

In a very odd and low key way, Disney has confirmed that MCU show WandaVision will now be premiering in 2020. Originally scheduled for sometime next year, an offhand Tweet from the official Disney+ account announced the news with a seriously dad-humor infused sentence. Is this not what 2020 vision means?..

What we don’t know is when the series will actually be available. Black Widow is currently slated for May, The Eternals in November, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier for sometime in the summer. It seems Marvel will have a presence in each quarter, so WandaVision might round out 2020 in December. Or maybe it will premiere on the very last day of the year to technically be 2020.

Either way, fans of these two characters won’t have much longer to wait before seeing the series. That’s some good news for the new year.

Disney+ [Twitter]

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