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Ender’s Game and Hell’s deep freeze dated for 2013

I honestly never thought I’d see the day. Ender’s Game has been in development since the novel came out way back in 1985. I think when I first bought a copy, in 1998 or 1999, it had a big sticker on it proclaiming “SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE!” I’ve watched creative teams come and go, but this one, from Lost and Star Trek writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kutzmann, seems to be sticking. Ender’s Game is dated for release on March 15, 2013. That’s certainly a long way off, and a lot of things can happen between now and then, but it looks like Ender’s Game might finally see the light of day.

The Collider article also dates releases for Red 2 among others, which will release August 2, 2013, but the real awesome here is Ender’s Game.

[Via Collider, header image courtesy of Pasqual Ferry]

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