It’s that time of year when we start being inundated with trailers with lots of famous people looking to win Oscars and Bombshell is ripe for doing that. The film stars Margo Robbie, Charlize Theron, and Nicole Kidman as the three women (well, two real women and one female amalgamation) that took down Fox News head Roger Ailes with allegations of sexual misconduct.

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The trailer itself is on point and features Theron as reporter Megan Kelly taking an awkward elevator ride with Kidman as Gretchen Carlson. Also, standing firmly in a corner with far less confidence, is Robbie’s fictional character, Kayla Pospisil. This is just how a teaser should be done, informing us about the movie, letting three incredible actors flaunt their stuff, and not giving away too much. With comedy director Jay Roach heading the film it’s up in the air on the actual quality, but his last drama Trumbo was fantastic and the man behind Austin Powers knows a few things about timing at the very least.
Bombshell will land on December 20, 2019.