Flixist covers San Diego Comic Con 2011!


In just two short days, Flixist will be hitting San Diego harder than…I don’t even know. Something that hits hard? Like a robot punching guy that punches things really, really hard? Man, that got away from me. Anyway, Adam Dork, Jenika, and myself will be on the convention floor, hitting up all of those big Hall H conventions so you can have a stabbing wound-free weekend. You can expect to see coverage from most of the major Hall H presentations, as well as a lot of smaller, cool things we’ve got going on throughout the show. What you won’t see is any coverage from the Twilight panel, as none of us are getting into town early enough to cover it. Also, I’m hearing a rumor that people are already in line for it. If you’re headed to Comic Con, and you somehow get into it, drop me a line.

Other than that, hopefully we’ll see some of you guys on the floor! Is anyone else at there hitting the con?