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Ghostbusters reboot channels The Secret of the Ooze in new still

Is the verdict out yet on the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot? I’m somewhat easy to sway, especially knowing the Ghostbusters legacy will continue with the right people in place. However, as Nick indicated following the film’s first trailer, expectations might have to be tempered just a bit…

Recently, Empire published an exclusive first look at the film, complete with a new film still (of which you can see in hi-res below!). Obviously, the first thought that comes to mind is, “Holy crap, Ghostbusters is about to go full Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze.” If Feig and co. can’t sneak in either a Ninja Turtles or Vanilla Ice shirt into the scene, it’ll be the missed opportunity of the century.

We’ll find out if the ragtag girl group goes full “Ghost Rap” when Ghostbusters busts down theater doors on July 15th.

[via Empire]

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