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Jason’s I Killed Adolf Hitler to be adapted into a film

Quick, do you know who Jason is? Arguably one of the most amazing graphic novel artists in the whole “alternative comic” scene, the Norwegian artist is known for his weird bear/bird/bunny anthropomorphic characters, minimalist art, and incredibly literary stories full of comedy, emotion, suspense, and drama, usually all at once in the same story. If you’re a Jason newbie, I highly recommend starting with Hey, Wait… or Why Are You Doing This? I feel so strongly about Jason’s work that I even got a frame from Hey, Wait… tattooed on my arm the day after I read it.

Anyways, word has spread that one of Jason’s stories (and ironically, the only one I haven’t read), I Killed Adolf Hitler, has been optioned for a film adaptation by Studio Eight. The story is about a hitman who travels back in time to kill the Nazi leader himself. There’s no word yet on whether the film will be animated to incorporate Jason’s distinct style, or if would be some weird live-action film based on the story’s plot.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve had Athos in America for a week and haven’t even opened it yet.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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