More Crazy 4 Cult 5 previews


Earlier in the week, Gallery 1988 released some images previewing its 5th annual Crazy 4 Cult show in Los Angeles, California. Well, now they have released a whole bunch more images from the upcoming show to preview!

There is a painting by Bruce White about Ghostbusters that is on black velvet, an awesome Little Shop of Horrors inspired piece by Allison Sommers, a piece with a Troll 2 quote by Steve Seeley that I really want, and even more with a rendition of Spirited Away by Micheal Ramstead, a super-clever Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog album cover design, and even a hilarious The Room poster by Derek Deal.

I also want to mention how much I love Drake Brodahl’s Office Space poster. Office Space has had so much fan art over the years that I’ve personally grown a little tired of it, but I found Brodahl’s comic-styled hyperbole of the classic refreshing. The Crazy 4 Cult show is opening tomorrow night at 7! Don’t miss out!

[Via /Film]