Movie Debate to the Death! Favorite Christmas film?


Man, what a week! In the review sidebar you can find links to all the Christmas Week reviews we did, but this debate topic slipped by me. Thanks to flight delays I wasn’t able to get this post up last week, but I should consider myself fortunate since Glenn’s still recovering from east coast flooding in his area. Good luck, Glenn! As for last week’s debate, Tokyo Drift won in a photo finish.

Perhaps the next Fast & Furious movie after
Fast Five
will be a winter themed film that involves drifting over black ice with snow plows to chase Santa’s reindeers. Hey, don’t laugh, you would have rolled your eyes last year if I said The Rock would have been in the next film!

While we’re all still in the Christmas mood, let’s hear everyone’s favorite Xmas holiday movie. It can be a film, or a straight to DVD story, or even a TV Christmas episode. Heck, it can be any winter holiday story. Anything goes! Don’t be shy, create an account and share your opinions. Cast your vote in the comments below and check back next week to see the first winner of 2011 announced!

Man, what a week! In the review sidebar you can find links to all the Christmas Week reviews we did, but this debate topic slipped by me. Thanks to flight delays I wasn't able to get this post up last week, but I should consider myself fortunate since Glenn's still recovering from east coast flooding in his area. Good luck, Glenn! As for last week's debate, Tokyo Drift won in a photo finish.

Perhaps the next Fast & Furious movie after Fast Five will be a winter themed film that involves drifting over black ice with snow plows to chase Santa's reindeers. Hey, don't laugh, you would have rolled your eyes last year if I said The Rock would have been in the next film!

While we're all still in the Christmas mood, let's hear everyone's favorite Xmas holiday movie. It can be a film, or a straight to DVD story, or even a TV Christmas episode. Heck, it can be any winter holiday story. Anything goes! Don't be shy, create an account and share your opinions. Cast your vote in the comments below and check back next week to see the first winner of 2011 announced!