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Netflix Now: Danny Trejo’s Foreign Beard Edition

Remember how I kept talking up how great Butter seemed last week? Turns out it wasn’t so great, and that makes me sad. I mean, if I can’t look forward to cute film about butter carving, then what can I look forward to? Oh well, at least there’s new stuff this week. 

Now every week is not going to be full of the goods (as in, no wide release films), but you never know, there might be a few gems in here (If not, Adult Swim and Cartoon Network signed a deal with Netflix recently, so we’ll soon be getting all of that good stuff. Then Netflix will be the service I want it to be). This week is all about the foreign films. And beards. And movies with Danny Trejo in them. Seriously, he’s in two releases this week and he’s probably in twenty or so movies on Netflix overall. Good on him. 

There’s 5 Broken Cameras, a documentary about a Palestinian farmer who is using filming as a way of nonviolent resistance, Rainbow Song, a Japanese film surrounding a man reflecting on his lost love, Delta Boys, a documentary about Nigerian militant life (which Hubert seemed to enjoy well enough), and 17 Girls, a French film about a group of girls who all get pregnant at the same time (sort of like Lifetime’s Pregnancy Pact, but probably not as terrible or hateful of women). And finally, did you know there’s a show called Whisker Wars? It’s a show about a beard growing competition.

Yup, I’m watching WW this week. To figure out what you want to watch, you can peep the entire list of Netflix Instant releases this week after the jump.

New additions to Netflix Watch Instantly apply only to readers in the United States. For those in other parts of the world, your choices may vary.

Weekly Netflix Now Awards

Most Likely to be Watched First

Whisker Wars

Movie I’ve Been Meaning to See That I’ll Finally See

Uh…Dante’s Inferno?

Most Likely to be Watched Out of Perverse Curiosity

Super Hybrid

Nick is in, Hubes is Out, So We’ll Watch This Instead of That Smart Stuff

Death Race 3: Inferno

Best Sexy Title for Decidedly Not Sexy Movie

Death of the Virgin

Best Movie Starring A Guy I Know

The Dead Want Women

Best Title

Zeitgeist: Addendum

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