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Netflix Now: FOOTBAWWWWWWW Edition

I like football probably not as much as the next guy (as I only jump in during playoff season like some cheap bandwagoner), but it’s that time of the year where it’s all I think about until the Soup Bowl. The NFC and AFC championships went underway last weekend, and they were pretty good games all around. But the only reason I call attention to this is because one particular player’s, Richard Sherman,.behavior has caught negative attention. Apparently the guy really likes winning and went on some rant about FOOOOTBAWWWWWW. That’s really all there is to it. A sore winner situation. 

Dude should’ve just chilled out and watched Netflix Instant because there are some good things available this week. Notably the big Oscar nominated documentaries, The Act of Killing and The Square. Both are very, very good. Docs aren’t you’re thing? There’s Rent and then some films about the WWE which are probably very, very interesting. 

After the cut you’ll find the list of Netflix Instant additions for the week. 

New additions to Netflix Watch Instantly apply only to readers in the United States. For those in other parts of the world, your choices may vary.

Weekly Netflix Now Awards:

Most Likely to be Watched First

The Square

Most Likely to be Rewatched First/Wide Release Made to be Seen via Netflix Instant

The Act of Killing

Most Likely to be Watched Out of Perverse Curiousity

WWE: The 50 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History

Most Likely to Never Leave My Queue

Aquarium for Your Home: Goldfish

I Can’t Get No…


Best Use of En Vogue 

What A Man


The Muslims Are Coming!

Buh Duh Nuh Na Nuh Nuh Bun Duh Nuh Na Nuh Nuhhh

Judas Kiss

Best Title

Kaijudo: Clash of the Duel Masters

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