Netflix Now: The American Astronaut Edition


Oh man! I remember seeing a trailer for The American Astronaut ages ago at a Madstone Theater (if anyone remembers that awesome, short-lived arthouse chain). I really wanted to see it but missed it during its brief engagement. Over the years I kept trying to watch The American Astronaut yet it kept evading me for some reason or other. So now, almost a decade later, this apparent cult gem is available on Netflix Instant. This is what Watch Instantly is all about! (And if it’s as good as the clips I’ve seen, expect to see it on The Cult Club in the future.)

As for other releases on Netflix Instant this week, nothing too high-profile, and yet there’s a good amount of worthwhile viewing. A few 30 for 30 ESPN docs have arrived, which are always great, including Benji. I really wanted to catch Benji at last year’s Tribeca Film Festival, but unfortunately missed the screening. A number of cool-looking Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Thai films became available today, including My Girlfriend is an Agent and Secret Reunion. Rounding it out, there’s Takashi Miike’s remake Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai, the high school football doc Undefeated, and The Imposter, one of my favorite documentaries of 2012.

After the cut, all the new stuff on Netflix Instant, a taste of The American Astronaut, and a few other spaceman memories from way back in my youth.

New additions to Netflix Watch Instantly apply only to readers in the United States. For those in other parts of the world, your choices may vary.

Weekly Netflix Now Awards

Most Likely to Be Watched First

The American Astronaut

Honorable mention: Stingray Sam

Movie I’ve Been Meaning to See That I’ll Finally See (Other Than The American Astronaut)

My Girlfriend is an Agent

Honorable mention: Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai

Documentary I’m Most Interested In


Honorable mention: Super, Girls

Most Likely to Be Watched Out of Perverse Curiosity

Eating with Cannibals

Honorable mention: Science of Armored Cars

Most Likely to Be Watched Out of Perversity

A Tale of Legendary Libido

Honorable mention: Lust in Hell 2

Why Can’t I Stop Giggling at This?


Things I Say at Indian Restaurants

Behold the Lamb

Things I Demand from Zoltar Fortune Teller Machines

Make Me Superhuman

Best Title

Bloodsucker Leads the Dance

Honorable mention: Chumballs

Spaceketeers Starzinger End Credits Force Five Soundtrack

Hubert Vigilla
Brooklyn-based fiction writer, film critic, and long-time editor and contributor for Flixist. A booster of all things passionate and idiosyncratic.