This week’s paltry offering of new streaming choices is barely worth discussing. Doghouse is a comedy about a town of women zombies who eat the men. Wild Man Blues is a documentary of Woody Allen playing jazz in Europe. The Tekwar TV movies are some sci-fi nonsense about virtual reality drugs co-starring William Shatner, who wrote the horrible novels they’re based on. Might I suggest watching some stuff from previous weeks? Particularly all that Bond from two weeks ago?
But if you insist, hit the jump to see what’s new.
- Alarm
- American Dad (TV)
- Children of the Century
- Coffin Rock
- Doghouse
- Fear Me Not
- The Flat & Scruggs TV Show (TV)
- The Golden Gong
- Handsome Harry
- Korn: Live on the Other Side
- Life in Flight
- Mutants
- New World Disorder
- Older Than America
- Paintball
- The Possession of David O’Reilly
- Promised Lands
- Special Ops
- Speechless
- Starz Studios: Rio/Scream 4
- Tekwar
- Tekwar: Tekjustice
- Tekwar: Teklab
- Tekwar: Teklords
- Under Still Waters
- Vision: From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen
- Wild Man Blues
New additions to Netflix Watch Instantly apply only to readers in the United States. For those in other parts of the world, your choices may vary.