Despite the giant pile of crap that was Suicide Squad, David Ayers is still a director I get excited for. And despite his recent spate of lackluster films, Will Smith is still an actor I think can deliver some great performances. Because of this it’s kind of easy for me to get excited for Bright, a new Ayers film starring Will Smith that takes place in a world where fairytale creatures live among us.
I love these films that take a weird concept and plunk us right down in the middle of it as if every film took place in that world. This is basically a buddy cop movie twisted a bit to have magic in it.
We all know that Ayers can do buddy cop better than almost anyone thanks to End of Watch, and Will Smith practically resuscitated the genre with Bad Boys. Oh, and Max Landis wrote the screenplay, and that guy knows his banter if nothing else. Plus, Netflix lets directors do what they want instead of meddling (and gave the team $90 million) so I’m pretty confident this is going to come up good.

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