New Fantastic Four images are…pretty ordinary


I don’t have a lot to say about the new Fantastic Four pictures from Empire. They exist, they’re boring, whatever.

I’d like to take this time, instead, to make a formal apology to Josh Trank and the rest of the cast and crew involved. Before the sweet teaser trailer, I had nothing but bad things to say about this film. After the trailer, I’ve since changed my tune. So, kudos to the Fantastic Four team for proving me wrong (so far, at least).

That being said, these pictures, featuring a non-stretchy Miles Teller and some dudes, a fully-visible Kate Mara in a room full of unconscious(?) soldiers, an extraordinarily fleshy Jamie Bell holding a bike, and a non-immolated Michael B. Jordan pouring on the sultry for us, certainly exist. They are not fantastic, but hopefully that’s because they’re saving all the good stuff for the movie.

We’ll find out on August 7th. Meanwhile, check out the pictures for yourself in the galley.

[via Collider]