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New images from Dark Knight Rises, plus a plot exclusive

In the final months of the juggernaut that is the Dark Knight Rises marketing campaign, we’re getting more images from the film daily. The latest shots feature more Bane and Catwoman than yet seen. But these pictures also tell a story. 

And now, in this Flixist exclusive, we can reveal the full plot for the upcoming Dark Knight Rises filmDisclaimer: this is not the actual plot.

[Via Indiewire]


The whole thing starts out with God forcing a nice man to read the newspaper. 


The man, touched by his encounter and feeling magnanimous, goes out dancing with a burn victim.


She invites him into John Malkovich’s portal.


Good Samaritan that he is, Batman arrives to give the man a ride when he is stranded on the New Jersey turnpike.



Joseph Gordon Levitt also stars.


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