Kyle Yadlosky
Kyle Yadlosky only cares about trash. The trippy, bizarre, DIY, and low-budget are his home. He sleeps in dumpsters and eats tinfoil. He also writes horror fiction sometimes.
People won't stop getting shot to death in red band trailer for Desolate
Review: She's Just a Shadow
Witches ruin a baby sitter's night in trailer for The Night Sitter
Paramount and Blumhouse prepare to drag us through another Paranormal Activity
Get ready to kick some Moon Nazi dinosaurs when Iron Sky: The Coming Race hits theaters and VOD
The Banana Splits Movie trailer turns a children's show into Five Nights at Freddy's
First Deadcon trailer is The Shining for YouTubers
Try not to explode in the vacuum of space in Assassinaut
Fangboner trailer accidentally pees all over your face
First Doctor Sleep trailer gives me them sweet, sweet The Shining chills