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Quentin Tarantino is finished with the script for his next movie

It’s been two years since The Hateful Eight, a film so distinctly Quentin Tarantino, yet differring greatly in scale when compared to his more recent work. The film was reminicent of his first film Reservoir Dogs in premise and execution, using a buidling as a setting for most of the scenes with brief instances of flashback to tell important story details. So, after returning to the stylings of his first film, what’s next for Tarantino?

Well, we know that it’s a story about the Manson Family murders, and we now know that Tarantino has a finished script to start turning his idea into a film. In an exclusive report from Deadline, Tarantino has a completed script, and is beginning to look for a studios to produce the film. The budget is expected to be in the range of Tarantino’s Django Unchained, which means that whoever gets the rights to release his new movie will be dealing with a $100 million dollar budget. Practically every major studio is in the race to get their hands on this film, and according to the report, Tarantino will being talks next week to decide what studio he’ll partner up with.

This studio-courting is a first for Tarantino, who up until recently was partnered with Miramax and The Weinstein Company. Tarantino ended their relationship after news of Harvey Weinstein’s unexcusable behavior towards female actresses and employees at The Weinstein Company was released to the public. Tarantino admitted that he knew about Weinstein’s poor behavior long before the public did, and apologized for not doing anything about it. It seems that after the news became public, Tarantino felt it best to no longer associate himself with the studio’s that have been behind every one of his feature films.

In any case, Tarantino will need to find new studios to finance and distribute his feature films with his exit from his relationship with The Weinstein Company. 

Quentin Tarantino Seeking New Movie Home: Studios Reading #9 This Week [Deadline] 

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