R.I.P. Anton Yelchin (1989 – 2016)


Guys, this one hurts a little more than the standard fare of actor/celebrity deaths. Anton Yelchin, one of Hollywood’s most talented young names, has died at the age of 27 due to a freak accident early yesterday morning. Yelchin has made quite the name for himself for mainstream audiences in Terminator: Salvation and in the recent Star Trek franchise, with the upcoming Star Trek Beyond scheduled for a July 22nd theatrical release. However, he’s charmed indie audiences with film such as Charlie Bartlett, The Beaver, Like Crazy, and Green Room. His contagious charisma and charm will sorely be missed from this generation of young up and comers.

I actually had the chance to talk to him very briefly back in Fall 2011 during the post-screening reception of Like Crazy‘s Chicago International Film Festival debut. After having a bit too much to wet my tongue, I came across Anton at the front desk of the bowling alley inside the theater. Feeling a bit overzealous, optimistic, and every bit of my 24 years at the time, I took it upon myself to pull him away from charming the girl working the register to praise him for his performance in the film… and to let him know of my insane jealousy that he got to share the screen (and a kiss) with Olivia Thirlby in New York, I Love You. You’ll never see this, Anton, but thank you for entertaining my obnoxious self for those five minutes.

Please, if you’re unfamiliar with Yelchin’s line of work, I highly recommend any and all of the aforementioned films listed above. Below is a trailer for Like Crazy, a film that has resonated strongly within me even five years after I first saw it. R.I.P. Anton Yelchin