
Red Band Trailer: Shame


Shame is getting a lot of buzz coming out of the festivals and leading into its limited opening this week (Alec saw it at NYFF, so read his review!). One could attribute that to the simple fact that its one of the few major studio releases to actually be released with an NC-17 rating, but from the above red band trailer you can tell that there’s definitely a whole lot more to the film than that. Would expect anything less from director Steve McQueen?

While you might expect a lot of graphic sex and nudity in a red band trailer for a movie about sexual addiction this plays up the seduction (and Michael Fasbender’s superb dongacting) to suck you in. It’s actually quite a brilliant trailer that both emphasizes the film’s powerful themes while pulling you into wanting to see it all the more. Few trailers epitomize what a movie is truly about, but this one nails it. 

Matthew Razak
Matthew Razak is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Flixist. He has worked as a critic for more than a decade, reviewing and talking about movies, TV shows, and videogames. He will talk your ear off about James Bond movies, Doctor Who, Zelda, and Star Trek.