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Review: The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)

I did not care for the first Human Centipede. It was a generic torture porn with a couple gimmicks in the centipede itself and the claim of being 100% medically accurate. As a jaded horror fan, I spent most of it yawning (cringing only during the surgery scene when teeth were removed as teeth and fingernails are my kyrptonite).

The second film I actually enjoyed quite a bit. It threw medical accuracy out the window, went meta, gave us a mute manbaby psycho protagonist/villain, and was balls-to-the-wall graphic, messed up violent edge (although I rolled my eyes at Feces Brown being the only color being used).

Naturally, with the promise of a gigantic human centipede, the principal actors from the first two films as new characters, and director Tom Six playing himself I was intrigued for the final installment.

Well, I watched it. It was definitely a movie, it had actors, and there was indeed a large human centipede.

Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)
Director: Tom Six
Release Date: May 22, 2015
Rated: Unrated

Dieter Laser returns to the franchise he made famous as Bill Boss, racist, sexist, malevolent warden of a prison in the middle of the desert. Laurence R. Harvey, villainous manbaby star of Human Centipede 2, plays his sidekick/prison accountant Dwight Butler. These two men find themselves with a problem on there hands when Governor Hughes (Eric Roberts for some reason) threatens to fire them if they can’t fix their crappy prison. Butler suggests to Boss, “Hey, let’s make the prisoners into a giant Human Centipede like those two movies.” And then they do. That’s the whole plot.

Were you expecting Kubrick?

I don’t have a lot to say about this film, to be honest. It’s graphically violent, really racist, really sexist, and has little redeeming quality to it beyond Dieter Laser’s super over-the-top performance as Bill Boss. It has a premise, and follows it to the end. It was competently made. But it just doesn’t have anything going for it beyond that.

So instead, let me give you a list of all the messed up/notable stuff that happens in chronological order to sate your curiosity and save you the 102 minutes you won’t ever get back.


To say this film is problematic is to put it lightly. It is virulently racist for reasons unknown, treats the single female character as an object to stick male genitalia in (and, again for reasons unknown, throws her into the centipede because why not?), and generally delights in inflicting pain on both its characters and its audience. But you should know what you’re getting into where a film’s central theme involves people being sewn ass-to-mouth.

Like I say in the image above, Human Centipede 3 is indeed 100% the third Human Centipede film. If you like watching racist, cruel men castrate dudes and have sex with women in comas with the titular centipede happening in the background, then boy this film is for YOU! If you liked the first two films, you’ll probably like this one. If you’re only lukewarm on them, you can probably skip this one.

Bottom line: Human Centipede 3 is competently made schlock. Tom Six is an edgy dude with some weird stuff (and quite possibly issues with women) rattling around in his head, but he can make a good-looking movie. Hopefully his next series has more merit.

Happy Memorial Day, everybody.

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