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RIP George Romero (1940-2017)

George Romero passed away yesterday after a brief, but harsh battle with lung cancer. He was 77 years old. 

Some deaths really do a number on you, as names like George Romero have become such a cemented name in cinema it’s surreal to be writing this right now. We all know he revitalized the horror genre, and became the impetus of the modern incarnation of the zombie, but he’s influenced many filmmakers, critics, and audiences beyond that.

One of the first directors I remember casting a person of color as the hero, and then setting an entire film around the tension of minority and majority, he left a huge impression on me as a kid. His imprint on the cinema landscape will be felt for years to come. 

Romero was a director who pointed the camera back at the audience and asked the hard hitting themes of consumerism, racism, and reflected the hidden horrors of humanity. We all owe a great deal to his work, and I know my film watching will never be the same. It was an honor. 

Flixist sends our condolences to George Romero’s family and loved ones. 

[via Variety]

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