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Safe House writer in talks to write Bad Boys 3

Now that Jerry Bruckheimer is freed from Disney and is producing things like Top Gun 2 and Beverly Hills Cop 4, one of the sequels in the pipeline is also Bad Boys 3. It’s still extremely early on in production (and mind you something like this has happened in the past), but we could still see Bad Boys 3 soon. At the very least, Sony is taking the first steps toward release. 

David Guggenheim (who wrote Safe House, and uh…Stolen?) is now in early talks to script the film. That’s…not very good news. Sure Alec liked Safe House, but it’s not that good enough of a first impression to take on Bad Boys. It’s a franchise reboot based on Michael Bay’s sensibilities. And he’s not even involved with BB3 yet! I’m worried, folks. Very worried. 

[via Deadline]

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