Adult Swim has revealed the first trailer at New York Comic Con for Shenmue The Animation, a series made in collaboration with Crunchyroll based on the once-popular Sega game series. Announced last September, this new look gives us a glimpse at the animation style the series will employ along with a general plot outline for what fans can expect. If anything, it seems the first season will be based almost entirely on the first game with an ending that sets up season two.
Shenmue is something that could lend itself well to an anime. With a very Kung Fu-esque plot that includes twists and turns along with martial arts philosophy, I wonder if this series will give original creator Yu Suzuki the chance to actually finish the story he started in the late 90s… or maybe Shenmue will never get a proper finale.
While Adult Swim hasn’t given us a concrete date for when Shenmue The Animation will debut, we do know that it will begin airing in 2022. I’m not sure if fans will be able to watch this live on TV or if it will be limited to Crunchyroll’s streaming service, but this is an exciting time for fans of Ryo Hazuki’s saga.
Source: YouTube