Expanding further on the Jurassic World franchise, Camp Cretaceous is the animated series that we’ve known to be brewing over at Netflix for some time now, and while summer camp is likely canceled for a lot of whippersnappers this year, that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun (read: near-death at the claws of genetically-modified dinosaurs) at home!
The latest teaser comes from Netflix, confirming a September 18th release for the series. Following a group of bright-eyed kids on a totally-safe trip to the titular tyrannosaurus tentpole, things quickly go wrong–as things always seem to do around here, leaving the eager campers on a classic survival romp through the prehistoric jungle.
The series comes from DreamWorks Animation, with Scott Kreamer and Aaron Hammersley running show as well as executive producing alongside Steven Spielberg, Colin Trevorrow, Frank Marshall, and Lane Lueras.
Camp Cretaceous is said to be set amidst the “same timeline” as the main World films, so expect the occasional nod to the features and, perhaps, a tease of the still-in-development Jurassic World: Dominion, which is set for release June 21st, 2021 and directed by Colin Trevorrow.
For all things prehistoric, stay tuned.
Source: Twitter (@JurassicWorld)