Tag: Action

Review: Death Kiss

Death Kiss is a weird movie. Not so much for its content, which is the grindhouse standard, but for its star’s uncanny resemblance ...

Review: Molly

In the post-apocalyptic wilderness, a lone woman roams. She’s armed to the teeth and keeps a trusty hawk as a lookout. She’s an ...

Review: The Predator

I came into The Predator with no real reverence for the series—I had seen the original film a long time ago, caught Predators on cable television once, ...

Review: Peppermint

Peppermint looked so good on paper. The director of Taken returning to the revenge genre with Jennifer Garner doing her best Linda Hamilton and telling a ...

Schlock Chuggers: The FP

[Schlock Chuggers is an ode celebrating the wacky, strange, obscene, and vulgar in which members of Flixist and Destructoid drink heavily, watch trashy ...

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