David Fincher and Gillian Flynn teaming up to remake Strangers on a Train Here’s something pretty cool: David Fincher is directing a remake of Alfred Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train. It is being written by Gone ... By Alec Kubas-MeyerFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: Gone Girl Gone Girl is the book of the moment. Much as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was The Big Thing when David Fincher adapted it ... By Alec Kubas-MeyerFebruary 20, 20200
Want new Gone Girl images? Here they are Are you excited for Gone Girl? You should be. If you’re not perhaps these still images will help. Probably not though as the ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers Trailer for Gone Girl features a murder she wrote I think this might be my favorite trailer of 2014 so far. Based on Gillian Flynn’s novel of the same name (but Flynn ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers First official trailer for David Fincher’s Gone Girl The first trailer for David Fincher’s highly anticipated adaptation of Gillian Flinn’s 2012 novel Gone Girl has finally appeared online. Starring Ben Affleck and ... By Jonathan WrayFebruary 20, 20200
First image and creepy EW cover for Fincher’s Gone Girl David Fincher directing a movie about a man who is accused of causing the disappearance of his wife on their fifth wedding anniversary? ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Reviews Review: Runner Runner There are few things worse than a bad movie, but a boring one definitely ranks up there. I’ve probably railed about this before ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
See Runner Runner early and free (We’ve got some more passes so grab em quick.) Hey! It’s Ben Affleck, this movie has to be good, right? Err, well, I ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Flix for Short: Good Will Batman Now that the “Ben Affleck is Batman” hooplah is mostly over, it’s time to bring it up again. Here’s a video that retroactively ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Features What do you think of Ben Affleck as the Batman? Remember when Warner Bros. announced that Ben Affleck would be playing Batman in the upcoming sequel to Man of Steel? Feels like it ... By Alec Kubas-MeyerFebruary 20, 20200
Watch Affleck, Cranston in fan-made Man of Steel 2 teaser As you have probably heard, the internet basically blew itself up when it was revealed that Ben Affleck, most recently of Argo fame, ... By Liz RuggFebruary 20, 20200
Features NRH’s Weekly Analysis: Batffleck Spoilers for Man of Steel. Christopher Nolan left behind a gap. A hole if you will. He had no interest in universe building ... By flixistmanageruserFebruary 20, 20200