Review: Quiz Lady 2023 has been an interesting year when it comes to the success and failure of various films. While Disney, with virtually unlimited money ... By Peter GlagowskiNovember 7, 20230 5 Movies
8 Movies Review: Bottoms It’s not every day that a movie like Bottoms makes its way to theaters. Bottoms is raunchy, silly, bloody, and, most importantly, queer ... By Sophia SchrockAugust 30, 20230
8.5 Featured Review: Barbie Everybody knows Barbie. Even if you’ve never played with a Barbie doll, you know who Barbie is just through cultural osmosis. She’s one ... By Jesse LabJuly 20, 20230
Featured Peter’s Kung Fu Corner: Winners and Sinners [Welcome to Peter’s Kung Fu Corner: a monthly column dedicated to retrospectives on the martial arts films I grew up watching. We’ll be ... By Peter GlagowskiApril 28, 20230
4.2 Movies Review: Renfield I really wanted to like Renfield. Goofy vampire movies are such an unfulfilled niche in media, only really seen in What We Do ... By Sophia SchrockApril 26, 20230
Review: Paint Did you know that Paint isn’t actually a movie about Bob Ross? Based on all of the marketing and co-opting of some of Ross’s aesthetics ... By Jesse LabApril 12, 20230 4.1 Movies
Featured Miyazaki Marathon: Porco Rosso With the upcoming release of Miyazaki’s 12th (and possibly final) film, How Do You Live?, we at Flixist will be taking a look at Miyazaki’s ... By Jesse LabMarch 31, 20230
8 Movies Review: Cocaine Bear Look, I’m gonna be real: a review of Cocaine Bear is pointless. You should know just by the title and premise of the movie ... By Jesse LabFebruary 24, 20230
Featured The DEFINITIVE list of Christmas movies for people that hate Christmas You know that longstanding joke that Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever? Well, it’s not a joke. The film takes place ... By Peter GlagowskiDecember 16, 20220
Featured The 10 best made-for-TV Christmas movies you need to watch in 2022 Two years ago, while we were in the throes of lockdown, I compiled a list of the 10 best made-for-TV Christmas movies. You ... By Sian Francis CoxDecember 5, 20220
Weeb Analysis: Akiba Maid War [Hello all and welcome back to Weeb Analysis where this month we’ll be looking at the adorable yet brutal world of Akiba Maid War. ... By Jesse LabNovember 30, 20220 Features
8.3 Movies Review: The Menu Ladies and gentlemen welcome to The Menu. Over the course of these 1,300 words, you will experience sights and sounds of bleak hilarity. The ... By Jesse LabNovember 19, 20220