First teaser trailer for Dead Rising: Watchtower For a film based off the cheesy Dead Rising videogames going straight to Sony’s Crackle streaming service, this doesn’t look that bad. Doesn’t ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200 Trailers
All female Ghostbuster reboot nearly cast We’ve heard plenty of rumblings about Paul Feig’s upcoming Ghostbusters reboot that puts four female leads into the act of busting ghosts. Kirsten ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers First official trailer for Ted 2 Ted was a nice surprise. Seth MacFarlane’s passion project shined with all of the humor and heart that I would’ve never expected from ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers Get Hard trailer with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart is… actually funny Both Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart can be really funny guys, but the second I heard about Get Hard I figured I’d be driving ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers The Voices trailer delivers more than it appears In the realm of talking animal movies there’s pretty much one genre and that genre is children’s comedies. The Voices is not that. Yes, ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
The Interview grossed $31 million on VOD despite piracy When Sony released The Interview on most video demand services but its own, it was promptly pirated nearly 100 million times. At first ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
Beetlejuice 2 will take place in the now, will bring back Keaton Seth Grahame-Smith, the man who brought us Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, has confirmed that his script for the Beetlejuice sequel will take place ... By Sean WalshFebruary 20, 20200
See The Wedding Ringer early and free Some folks find Kevin Hart hilarious. I find him modestly amusing depending on the film, but if you find him hilarious then you ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Trailers First trailer for Spy brings Melissa McCarthy and Paul Feig back again Melissa McCarth and Paul Feig are like bestest comedy buddies, and their efforts turn out pretty solid as Bridesmaids and The Heat (Nick was too ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
The Interview getting limited theatrical release, possibly VOD After all of the hubub and hooey giving attention to a film that’s probably super funny, but forgettable, Sony is allowing a limited ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200
First trailer for Entourage film reunites the… entourage I’m actually the last person who should be writing about the Entourage movie since I never got into the show at all and when ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200 Trailers
Reviews Review: The Interview After a crazy couple of weeks of Sony hacks, full on terrorist attack threats, cancellations, and a last minute reneging, I sort of ... By Nick ValdezFebruary 20, 20200