You’re invited to the Flixist Movie Club! As you may have heard in this week’s Get Your Flix, we’re recording a special edition of Get Your Flix this week for ... By Alex KatzFebruary 20, 20200
The blogs are working! Rejoice! Hi, loyal readers. Hows things? You may have noticed that our blogs weren’t working so well when you tried to go in and ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
We’re Live Blogging the Oscars. Be There Don’t have an exciting Oscar party to go to? Need a way to make boring monologues way more fun? Just love to watch ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200
Another weekend show, questions please This week’s show will obviously be a weekend one in hopes of keeping the holiday tomorrow “holy.” My co-host Siobhan Watters and guests ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
Flixist Podcast, Ep 11: Aliens exist While our main topic of discussion in this episode of Get Your Flix was supposed to be based on extra terrestials with Battle ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
Flixist Podcast, Ep 09: Comics, pandas, child boots This episode we gush on some comics again. It seems like our standard but as Siobhan says, don’t blame us. But the majority ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
Flixist Podcast, Ep 08: Award Show Part 2 It was a weekend show but not even freedom from work would stop us from recording this final episode of the Flixist awards. Geoff, ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
Flixist Podcast, Ep 07: Award Show Part 1 No sickness, no snow storm, and no power failure can keep this episode from getting to you. Looks like Siobhan caught what I ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
Finishing up your awards, your questions please Tonight is the night to finish it up. We will be recording the final part of our Flixist awards in a few hours. ... By Adam DorkFebruary 20, 20200
Why Keanu Reeves Sucks When was the last time you saw a really good Keanu Reeves movie? Think hard for a minute. Exactly my point, The Matrix ... By Armand CanalsFebruary 20, 20200
Welcome to Flixist *cough* *cough* Hey there. Welcome to Flixist. I’m going to have to ask you to pardon the dust as we’re still unpacking a ... By Matthew RazakFebruary 20, 20200 Features
Features Welcome to the Flixist Community Welcome to the Flixist Community. At any number of other sites, a simple sentence like this might not mean a whole lot. ... By Andrew KauzFebruary 20, 20200